Delivery & Returns

Our preferred courier is Federal Express.

These charges are per shipment. For multiple items, part shipments may be available, in which case you will be informed and we will act accordingly.

For particularly large/heavy items these shipping rates may not apply. We will inform you immediately if any additional costs are required.

Country Delivery Rate
UK Mainland £10.00
Northern Ireland £25.00
Ireland, Republic of €30.00
Albania €54.00
Andorra €36.00
Austria €36.00
Belarus €54.00
Belgium €36.00
Bosnia-Herzegovina €54.00
Bulgaria €54.00
Croatia €54.00
Cyprus €54.00
Czech Republic €54.00
Denmark €36.00
Estonia €54.00
Faroe Islands €36.00
Finland €36.00
France €36.00
Germany €36.00
Gibraltar €54.00
Greece €36.00
Greenland €36.00
Hungary €54.00
Iceland €54.00
Italy €36.00
Latvia €54.00
Liechtenstein €54.00
Lithuania €54.00
Luxembourg €36.00
Macedonia €54.00
Malta €54.00
Moldova €54.00
Montenegro €54.00
Netherlands €36.00
Norway €54.00
Poland €54.00
Portugal €36.00
Romania €54.00
Russia €54.00
San Marino €36.00
Serbia €54.00
Slovak Republic €54.00
Slovenia €54.00
Spain €36.00
Sweden €36.00
Switzerland €54.00
Turkey €54.00
Ukraine €54.00
Vatican City €36.00
Rest of World Please enquire.

Returns & Refunds

The quality of our products is very important to us, and we will provide our full support to ensure they perform as described. If a product is not working correctly please contact us immediately. We will liaise with the manufacturer to provide expert advice in an attempt to resolve the issue. We may require details of your protocol to ensure the correct procedures have been followed. If the correct procedures have been followed and the item does not perform as described, a replacement or refund will be offered.
If items are ordered incorrectly, the customer may be subject to a 20% restocking charge on the items plus any shipping, handling and packaging costs.

In the unlikely event of receiving an incorrect item, please store the item as indicated and contact us immediately. We will make arrangements to ensure you receive the correct item and the incorrect item is collected from you.